Ultimate Fitness Database

What is Your Fit?

What's Your Fit?

That’s a question that we all must ask ourselves at the beginning (really closer to the middle of) our exercise journey. What we’ve noticed is that we tend to start the journey with no workout plan in mind at all and as we progress we pick up a plan (whether that’s through research, experience, a trainer developing a plan for you, etc.), and that as we continue to train we need to find other ways to improve our strength levels, physique, etc. At the moment, we have workout plans geared towards specific things including fitness, strength, mass gain etc. And as we develop the database more we will continue to add more programs and elaborate on the programs that are already there. 

What makes a good workout plan?A good workout plan should be individualized to your own self / body. Yes, it’s fine to start out with a cookie cutter program but, eventually you will need to adapt that same program to your own body. So yes, you will find a plethora of good workout programs at the link below but you will need to make sure you adapt them to your own physique.

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What is your fit? Despite what your fit currently is or what you would like it to be, we have the information you need to either maintain it or get there.  This site was created by individuals who have the desire to educate and connect individuals who are interested in fitness. That’s pretty much it. On the site, you can find programs, answers geared towards certain fitness ideas and much more. Feel free to explore and find the things suited to your needs.

Jimmie Perry 

Jimmie Perry, the owner and creator of What's Your Fit has been interested in fitness since the age of 10; when he realized that being in shape was one of the key ways of picking up girls (or so he thought). After he had that realization, Jimmie began to work out every single day (or do what to him felt like every single day workouts). Of course, he also distracted his mind with other things such as school (which he didn’t really pay much attention to) and sports but the gym and fitness always stayed on his mind. Skipping ahead a few years, he got really into powerlifting and managed to get back into the gym and collect a boatload of information on the subject. Now, he feels like it’s time to share some of the information with others, as that’s the one of the best way to give back in his opinion. 

Find him on quora (and at his personal site here):



Elizabeth Yogerst

Elizabeth is a seasoned weight training / powerlifting focused individual (she’s been involved in powerlifting since 1989). She loves collecting information related to her strength goals, which quite literally makes her a powerlifting buff (get it?) She holds the following certifications and has one of the most creative / powerful minds one could find.

  • NASM-CPT: National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer

  • NASM-CNC: National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Nutrition Coach

    • PPSC: Pain-Free Performance Specialist Certification

    Find her on quora here:
